Wednesday 18 January 2012

Early worms

"The early bird catches the worm"

Meaning: Success comes to those who prepare well and put in effort. 

I set some Aspirations for 2012 and here's how I'm getting on so far, 18 days into January:

#1 - 24 GDH runs
2 complete; on target if I keep up the same attendance rate.

#2 - run 3 fell races

#3 - cover 25km in one go
Max distance run to date in one go = 12km. 25km seems more feasible now I've broken the 10km point on 5 occasions since Boxing Day. I'm formulating a route for my 25km run - more to follow on that soon.

#4 - 10 body weight chin ups
Can do 2. Feel confident I could do 3 but training currently has me doing 4x2 body weight chins on Mondays and 4x8 assisted chins on Thursdays (assisted being with the help of a giant elastic band). Gradual progress is key.

In addition to my training and running I'm developing a morning routine to take me through foam rollering, stretches and mobility exercises. These are usually done prior to training at the gym, but I want to get them done every day to increase mobility, flexibility and strength.

Here's what I did today:
  • Foam rollering - quads, hamstrings, adductors, ITB, calves, achilles. I'm paying particular attention to troublesome and therefore painful areas...left ITB close to the knee, left achilles (I have a niggle on my lateral ankle)
  • Stretching - calves doing both bent and straight leg so I work the achilles properly. I'm focusing just on these lower leg muscles to assist the ankle niggle rehab. Main thing is I'm listening to my body and just holding the stretch, breathing deeply and feeling it until there is some sort of relaxing or ease evident before moving on.
  • Ankle raises & drops - on a step, hinging from my toes, doing them slowly to feel where there are areas of tension. Rotating feet a little to gain more stretch laterally then medially.
  • Mobility:
squats x10
hip rotations x5 each direction on each leg
mountain climbs x10
forward lunge x10
single leg RDL x5 each leg
pull-aparts with band - arms
arm dislocates with band - arms
  • Balance on hedgehog - 1min each leg 
  • Plank x30secs
  • Wall squats x10

All those take about 30 minutes. I feel the benefits immediately - I'm more awake and my body feels more supple and warm. A great way to start the day, and prepare my body for whatever is coming later on.

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